Valentines, Schmalentines. Whether you’re one side or the other, you’re bound to appreciate that both eCommerce and brick-and-mortar store businesses LOVE V-Day.
Why, you ask? Because customers are willing to show the people and pets (yes… pets) in their life that they love them via a heart-warming present. This reality poses a duty upon digital marketers and business owners alike:
Embrace Valentine's Day By Launching Creative Email Campaigns!
Here are 7 valentines email campaign ideas for you to put together and send pronto, with the coming lead up to valentines day:
1. Classic Promotions, Done Right.
The easiest and quickest-to-implement option is to create an email marketing campaign with a classic promotional incentive. Anything from “40% All Products For Your Love (That Can Include Yourself!)” to “Buy Him/Her A Present; Get A Gift For Yourself For Free”.
To absolutely executing a promotional email campaign, also includes the following:
Think outside the box. Craft your email’s creative, “copy” (text), and promotional incentive to pull the heartstrings of your target audience and make your brand flourish.
Don’t just stick to email. You’d be crazy to just limit the promotional incentive to just email! Push the limits by plastering your promotion in front of your target audience while they’re browsing their Facebook feed (Facebook remarketing), general websites (display remarketing) and phone (text message marketing).
2. Gift Guides: Because Customers Are Indecisive.
While everyone knows what their love wants, most customers are lazy (let’s face it), indecisive (you know it’s true) and need a subtle suggestion as to what their significant other desires for Valentines Day. On the other spectrum, many customers fear that the present they purchase their significant other will not be loved (for example: “this dress is too small for me!”).
Eliminate this hassle by providing your email subscribers a tailored gift guide of the perfect gift for him, or her. This list ideally should be best sellers backed by sales data, web traffic (Google Analytics) and brand/competitor search data (Google AdWords).
3. Love Letter, A.k.a. Gift Cards.
Remember how I mentioned before that online shoppers are indecisive? We introduce your solution: the humble love letter (a.k.a. gift card). While once upon a time one would express their love to another with a corny hand written card (it can be sweet, but let’s be honest here), many brands resort to the creative delivery of gift cards. This delivery can be something as simple as an email sent to a chosen loved one, all the way through to the complex creating of a personalised landing page specific to your loved one.
4. Pets: Why Not Get A Present Fur Them?
Surprisingly, a high percentage of online shoppers use V-Day as an excuse to show not only their partner that they love them, but also (wait for it)... their pets! In fact,
19% of all online Valentine Day gifts in 2016 were for pets, and not humans. You’re probably thinking, though:
What if my business doesn’t sell products relevant to pets?
Good question. The answer is to take the philosophy that people purchase Valentines gifts for people (and pets) other than their partners, and communicate that you can express all types of love, and not just the romantic type. Why shouldn’t a customer be able to purchase a valentines gift for their best friend of 10 years, who they love? What about themselves, who they must love, even a little?
Pssst. See number 5 below!
5. Anti-Valentines: You Should Go and Love Yourself!
When formulating your valentines day email campaign, remember the sad/happy (you be the judge) truth: not everyone is in a relationship! Many brands embrace this fact, and ensure that their valued customers are reminded that they don’t require a significant other to celebrate Valentine's day. Remind your customers that they should love themselves this V-Day, and entice them to spoil themselves.
6. Time Is Of The Essence.
Research shows that (most) people don’t plan to buy a Valentines gift months in advance, like Christmas or Birthdays. Instead, many leave it to the last fortnight, week or minute. Let’s face it: we’ve all been there.
Keep this in the back of your mind, and create time-driven campaigns to remind your target audience that they’re running out of time until V-Day, and they should probably buy something for their partner. Or you know: forget about it, and face the forthcoming wrath of their giftless-parner.
There you have it: 7 types of email campaigns to send to your subscribers! Remember that to fully unleash the full potential of your efforts, you’ve got to ensure your messaging is integrated across multiple marketing communications. Make sure your brand is at the front of mind of your customers, and that their partners receive and love the present they buy from you!
7. Let's Take Our Relationship To The Next Level (a.k.a Emails Requesting More Personal Info)
The last variety of Valentine's Day EDM campaign is not strictly conventional. Specifically, businesses can send out an EDM campaign requesting personal info (for example, DOB, Gender, etc.) in exchange for a bonus. This bonus, or incentive, can be any type of promotion (for example, 20% off etc.), or other creative solutions!