Want to boost your Facebook ads likes, comments and shares to a whole new level?
Give this 3 minute how to video a watch! Prefer to read words instead? No worries! Scroll down to read step by step instructions.
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This quick video is all about “
social-proofing”. What is social proofing, you ask? Put simply, social proofing is the best practice of assigning a single Facebook ad or post to numerous audiences within your Facebook ads manager. Why do we do this? Because ad viewers are more likely to interact with a post of 1,000,000 likes, as opposed to a post of 2 lousy likes!
In the process of assigning a single ad to numerous ad sets or campaigns, you’re gathering “social proof” (a.k.a. Likes, comments and shares) from ALL of your audiences combined, as opposed to showing a “duplicated” ad to each audience individually.
Take these visuals for further clarification:
Example 1: Non Social Proof Ad
As you can see with the advertising structure of example 1, each of the three audiences are seeing duplicated ads (this is the Facebook default). Despite all three of the ads (Normal Ad 1, 2 and 3) being the exact same in appearance (e.g. same video, image and/or and messaging), like, comments and shares (“social proof”) are distributed between the three ads.
Example 2: Social Proof Ad
Example two uses the exact same audiences as example 1 (audiences 1, 2 and 3). The only difference is that instead of showing a duplicated ad to each audience (i.e. “normal ad 1, 2 or 3” in example 1), all three audiences are seeing “social proof ad 1”. What does this mean exactly? That the “social proof” accumulated across the three “normal ads” in example 1, are all now being accumulated on the single “social proof ad 1”! Instead of having 10 likes, 10 comments and 10 shares split between three ads (example 1), they’re all showing on a single ad (example 2).
With that low-down, let’s jump into social proofing an ad! Follow the seven simple steps below, and you’ll have a social proofed ad within minutes.
Step by Step Instructions:
Step 1: Open up Facebook Business Manager
Step 2: Navigate to “Page Posts”, and choose the post/ad you wish to social proof

To choose a published page post, click on “page posts”; to choose an ad post, click on “ad posts”. Then, click on the desired post you with to social proof.
Step 3: Click “View Permalink” and copy your post id

Click on “view permalink” and copy the “post id” that can be found within the post’s URL; the post id is the final string of digits in the post’s URL in your browser.
Step 4: Go to ads manager, and choose the campaign & ad set you wish to social proof
Go to ads manager, and choose click on your desired campaign.

After this, click on your desired ad set.
Step 5: Click "Create Ad"
After clicking the ad set you wish your social proofed post/ad to be within, click “create ad”:

Once you’re in the ad creation stage, click on “use existing post” and
not “create new ad”:

Then, choose your relevant Facebook/Instagram page identity:
Step 6: Enter Your Post ID
Under the “creative” part of the ad creation, paste and submit your “post id” into the entry box; this is the number copied in “Step 3” above:

Alternatively, you can a page post (and not ad post) from the “select a post” drop down menu:
Step 7: click confirm, and Sit back and congratulate yourself for social proofing your first Facebook ad
You’ve just upped your paid social advertising game by a whole mile!
As mentioned in the video, to unlock the full potential of social proofing, it’s ideal to social proof a single ad across many audiences (ad sets or campaigns). This way, you’re ensuring that you’re delivering the maximum amount of social proof possible (likes, comments and shares) to your single post.